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Requests For Respect
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     This page begins a series of letters written by Lorraine Marks-Haislip to the United States Congress, House of Representatives and Senate, Veterans Affairs Committee and Committee on Armed Services, Republicans and Democrats.
     For over a decade, her tireless efforts and spirit of will to bring about what is right for the good of the men and the promise to her late husband has caused many to take notice - and action.
     It has been a long, arduous process, many times disheartening when change was found to be as elusive as the wind and as hard to conquer as Rome. All in the name of honoring the "unknowns" to be respected appropriately with gravemarkers that designate their ship and the fact they perished at Pearl Harbor.
     This next section addresses her efforts to get the job done with letters written to pertinent parties in an attempt to get a change of the gravemarkers seen through. At the writing of this, October 19, 2002, she is still battling wills of iron who refuse to comply with HUNDREDS of requests to have the markers changed - with even the late Hon. Patsy T. Mink's pushing with her H.R. 3806 bill on the behalf of the men who perished, those who survived, and the families who will never - nor want to - forget Pearl Harbor.
     One must also bear in mind through the reading of these documents and letters that these Mrs. Haislip's efforts have not only been foremost for the men lost, but also for the families who still inquire about what happened to a father, an uncle, a brother or a friend. Pearl Harbor didn't only happen in 1941 for many; it continues to touch children...and grandchildren of these men today.
     Please also see The Families


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Copyright © 2002-2018 Lorraine Marks-Haislip